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DepEd Nurse II Job Description and CSC Qualifications

DepEd Nurse II assists the Medical Officer in the implementation of Health and Nutrition Programs and Projects of the SDO.

Position TitleNurse II
Reports toChief Education Supervisor
Salary Grade15
Governance LevelSchools Division Office
Unit/DivisionSchool Governance & Operations Division

DepEd Nurse II Qualification Standards

CSC Prescribed Qualifications

EducationBachelor of Science in Nursing
ExperienceAt least 2 years of relevant experience
EligibilityRA 1080 (Nursing Licensure Exam)
Training4 hours of relevant training

DepEd Nurse II Duties and Responsibilities

Health Programs and ServicesClassroom inspection to detect early signs and symptoms/disability of learners.
Assists the Medical Officer in his school clinic work such as vital signs taking, RBS monitoring, immunizations etc.
Provide preventive and remedial measure for simple and common ailments and gives first aid treatment in the school.
Conduct Visual and Auditory Screening, Height and Weight Measurement and Deworming of learners.
Maintains a functional school clinic.
Checks on the proper sanitation and healthful living conditions of the school and community.
Utilize tried and tested medicinal plants for the treatment of common ailments.
Coordinate with other health personnel, the translation of scientific knowledge to desirable health behavior.
Coordinate with the Medical Officer for the provision of needed health facilities, medicine, and supplies.
Prepares and submits the needed reports.
Nutrition Program and ServicesAssist in the development, design, implementation, evaluation, and monitoring of Sustainable Feeding Programs for the identified Severely Wasted and Wasted Learners of the Schools Division Office and submit needed reports.
Ensure compliance and implementation of Nutrition Programs to Nutritional Standards in Food preparation.
LinkagesEstablish/Strengthen linkages between education partners and stakeholders.
Special ServicesActs as resource person and participate in the information/dissemination on health matters such as classroom lectures, open forum.
Participate in Sports, Scouting and Other Division/School activities.


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Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

17 thoughts on “DepEd Nurse II Job Description and CSC Qualifications”

  1. Hello.. I am interested to apply DepEd Nurse II im from region VI..
    Where can i submit my application letter?Thank you have a Good day.

  2. I Am an OfW Nurse,planning for good in the Philippines ,I’m interested to apply as a Dep ed Nurse in any division in IloIlo .
    Please teach me how,and let me update if any hiring…

  3. Good day. I am interested for applying Nurse II. Could possibly ask if what requirements needed & where to send the application?
    Pls advise.


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