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The 3 Pillars of the Student-Centered Approach

Student-Centered Approach

Educators must employ a student-centered approach to provide the best possible education for every student. This means that the focus is on the individual needs of each learner. Every student is different and has different strengths, weaknesses, and interests. A student-centered approach considers all these factors and customizes the learning experience accordingly. 

This approach has three pillars: student voice, student choice, and student ownership. Each of these pillars is essential for the student-centered approach to be effective.

Pillar 1: Student Voice

Student’s voice is the idea that students should have a say in their education. This can be done in several ways, such as allowing students to choose the topics they want to learn about, giving them a say in how they are assessed, and providing them with opportunities to give feedback about their learning experiences. Students’ voice is important because it gives students a sense of ownership over their education and allows them to be more engaged in the learning process.

Pillar 2: Student Choice

Student choice is another important pillar of the student-centered approach. This means that students should have some control over their learning experiences. For example, students should be able to choose the learning materials, the pace at which they learn, and the methods they use. This is important because it allows students to tailor their learning experiences to their individual needs and preferences.

Pillar 3: Student Ownership

Student ownership is the third and final pillar of the student-centered approach. This means that students should be responsible for their learning. This can be done by giving students challenging but achievable assignments, setting high expectations, and providing them with opportunities to lead and contribute to their learning. Student ownership is important because it motivates students to take charge of their learning and to be more invested in their education.

The student-centered approach effectively educates students because it allows them to have a voice in their education, choose how they learn, and be responsible for their learning. This approach is based on the premise that students are more likely to be successful if they are actively involved in their education and have some control over their learning experiences.

What do you think of the student-centered approach? Do you think it’s the best way to meet the needs of all students?


Llego, M. A. (2022, September 17). The 3 Pillars of the Student-Centered Approach. TeacherPH. Retrieved September 17, 2022 from, https://www.teacherph.com/three-pillars-student-centered-approach/


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Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, from the Philippines, has significantly influenced the teaching profession by enabling thousands of teachers nationwide to access essential information and exchange ideas. His contributions have enhanced their instructional and supervisory abilities. Moreover, his articles on teaching have reached international audiences and have been featured on highly regarded educational websites in the United States.

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